Let's Go UP


[ as-cend-ing kon-ver-sa-tions ]

In the book of Genesis, we only get a small peek into Eden, the garden of pleasure and delight. Yet, we see enough to know that our sense of self and identity was never intended to come from the good things we do. 

We were never meant to live from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, knowing the right things and avoiding the bad. We were never meant be of the mindset, “I’m doing more good than evil, so I’m good right?” 

Jesus shows us that it is, and always has been, about eating from the tree of life alone and tapping into the divine presence of God within us through him. 🌱 🍷 🍞 

We will only truly begin to thrive when we completely let go of the life for which we were never created, and realize that we have been destined for unbroken union with Christ (being gracefully grafted back into him). Here we can fully embrace the abundant life He’s promised us. 

Today, may we dive deep into His purifying presence instead of relying on the good things we do. May we embrace God’s primary design for our lives to co-labor with him through perfect union and intimacy. 

Our adoring groom hung naked on that tree of knowledge, the same tree we once hid naked behind, clothed with only our own works and understanding.  His compassionate love surpassed all knowledge and opened the door for us to once again be filled to the measure with all the fullness of God. 

As we are made new in the attitude of our minds and clothed once again with the divine nature of our Father, we will experience true freedom despite our circumstances. His perfect presence wraps us in all righteousness and holiness. There we are fully content, unquestionably loved, and deeply rooted in all the fullness of His beautiful presence. 

“The mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace … and those who are led by the Spirit in the realm of the Spirit, are the children of God and are predestined to be conformed to the image and likeness of his radiant Son.” 

Romans 8 ♡
