Let's Go UP


[ as-cend-ing kon-ver-sa-tions ]

Have you ever felt like the light within you is nothing more than a dimly burning wick, barely even a smolder. If so, I feel that the Lord wants you to know that, regardless of how small it may be, it’s still there and He sees it even if you don’t. He cares for you – little ember and all.

His heart towards you is gentle and compassionate and He won’t brush you aside. Instead, He will breathe life into your bones and fan that little spark into a beautiful flame until you’re a radiant luminary, a dazzling city on a hill that can’t be hidden! 

So, get your hopes up! Embrace each day with expectancy. Fix your eyes on Him, not on your little flame, not on your lack, and not on your weakness. On Him!

The very Light of the world wants to make His dwelling within you so that you become the light of the world – walking in the light, with the Light, as the light! Your destiny and calling is to be a child of light, a child of the day, one who fears no darkness, one whose little ember becomes a flame – powerful and unquenchable, purifying and transformative!

So don’t let the little ember fool you into thinking you’re powerless against the dark. Simply let that little light shine regardless of how small, and get ready to be overwhelmed by what the Lord can do with a small ember yielded completely in His hands.

Matthew 12:20 A battered reed He will not break off, and a smoldering wick He will not put out… and in His name the people will hope.
