Let's Go UP


[ as-cend-ing kon-ver-sa-tions ]

Impartation Through Honor

A few months ago, I was having lunch with a friend.[…]

So Much More!

If you want more, there is more! Actually, there is abundantly[…]

Eternal and Free

We are not earth bound. We have a body that gives[…]

Time to Shine!

This lightbulb is called the “Palace lightbulb.” It is the second[…]

Good News of Great Joy

The “good news gospel” has elevated us to a powerful position,[…]

All Surpassing Love

This is HUGE!! 🤩🙌❤️‍🔥 The all surpassing love and wrap-around presence of[…]

Come up Here

There is a reason why the accuser is relentless about attacking[…]

The Fruit of Life

In the book of Genesis, we only get a small peek[…]


We are not created for a linear life. We are created[…]

Doing it all for Love

Last fall my daughter decided to buy some garbage pickers and[…]