Let's Go UP


[ as-cend-ing kon-ver-sa-tions ]

How Do We Hear?

What” we hear is important, but “how” we hear is invaluable![…]

Merry Christmas 2024

You know what’s awesome?! While some kids are told that Santa’s[…]

Foot Washing Anyone??

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been stuck in John 13,[…]

Eternal Perspective

The lens we look through affects how we see the world[…]


My heart has been pondering the following verses: Ephesians 3:14-20 For[…]

The Glorious Gospel

One of the most beautiful moments in this journey we’re all[…]

The Economy of Heaven

I have noticed something in the past couple of weeks. Value[…]

Burning Hearts

Have you ever felt like the light within you is nothing[…]

Let the Rocks Cry Out!!

A couple of months ago, my wife and I went to[…]


We are a company/fellowship of people who refuse to identify with,[…]