Let's Go UP


[ as-cend-ing kon-ver-sa-tions ]

Karitas Townsend

Ka-ri-tas Town-send [Joy beamer, {ie. glory radiator}, universal Icelandic explorer (as in: unceasingly curious), deep diver, always happiest when she’s in OVER her head!]

Karitas is the co-host of the podcast, “Let’s Go Up.” She carries a deep sense of union with Jesus and an unshakable revelation of her identity in Christ.

Karitas is a writer, penning numerous short blogs about her encounters with the glory of God. She is constantly on the lookout for unique expressions of wonder, whether it be on one of her many adventures with her family, at a park, or in the world of medicine (she is also a registered nurse).

Karitas and her husband, Nathan, often take road trips with their family, driving for hours to experience God in nature, searching out the unforced rhythms of grace that tether their family to rest and love.

To be around Karitas, is to experience adventure, boldness, curiosity, and endless JOY!!