Dean Maerz
Dean Ma-erz [E-ter-nal-list, glory surfer (also: possessing an endless burning heart), wild imaginateer, visionary {ie. so far outside the box there is no more box!}, fearless explorer]
Dean is co-host and producer of the podcast, “Let’s go Up.” He is an author, speaker, and blogger who is not afraid of the wonders of the mysterion life. He carries a deep hunger for the presence of God and has a fascination with heaven, Enoch, and unreligiosity.
Dean is also a musician, photographer, and videographer. His greatest joy is searching out the treasure in people and calling them up to higher places.
Dean and his wife, Adeline, are lovers of all things related to the ocean. They can often be found driving up and down the west coast just for the joy of capturing that one “big wave” on camera or video.
For more about Dean, click on the link below. It will take you to his website –